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electrical high current section head


Location: Giza - EGYPT
Age: 25 - 55 years
Experience: 20 years
Gender: All
Open vacancies: 1
Job description:


Bachelor's degree in electrical power and lighting design of large projects.

LEED certified with 20+ years experience of medium and low voltage power distribution generation and distribution experiences.

Experience in ECODIAL , DOCWIN, ETAP and other manufacturer software is required.

IEC membership as ranking member is highly preferred.

Required skills:
  • Bachelor's degree in electrical power and lighting design of large projects. LEED certified with 20+ years experience of medium and low voltage power distribution generation and distribution experiences. Experience in ECODIAL
  • ETAP and other manufacturer software is required. IEC membership as ranking member is highly preferred.
Salary: Negotiable
Job Expired